Our Services, Our Stories
Service Coordinator's Report 2023
Tēnā tātou katoa,
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou mā runga te āhuatanga o te wā nei,
The team at Ohomairangi Trust has had another productive year, responding to increasing requests for support from whānau, as the economic climate becomes progressively bleaker for many. We acknowledge the many family members who have developed new skills and determination to address their challenges for them and their children and mokopuna - and this extends to members of our Ohomairangi team who have taken on new training and the challenge of implementing new models and programmes.
Mauri ora.
Positive Parenting at Mangere East Community Centre
Mellow Bumps - Getting to know your unborn child
36 ante-natal sessions were held with mothers- to-be and fathers-to-be participating – they experienced relaxation sessions, communicating with their baby workshops, aqua aerobics, tai chi, healthy food snacks, practiced laughing and viewed babies’ ‘Aroha Atu, Aroha Mai’ dvd and others covering early brain development and the importance of tuning in to babies attempts at communication. Each group met at our ‘meet the babies’ lunches once all babies from the groups had arrived. Feedback has been positive and many of these new parents have come along to Hoki ki te Rito - Ōranga Whānau parenting for babies. (see research section for results to date)
Incredible Years
56 sessions were run over 2023 – two evening and two daytime courses with many parents attending. Parents set goals for themselves and their families; engaged in various exercises; enjoyed the role-plays and learned new strategies for firm and fair child discipline. They reported success in putting these into place at home. The children attended groups at the same time, making new friends with other children and our experienced team of caregivers as well. All four of our facilitators are accredited.
Hoki Ki Te Rito – Ōranga Whānau - Mellow Parenting programme
126 Hoki ki te Rito-Ōranga Whānau sessions were delivered over 2023 . Many parents attended including some of their 0-5 year olds who joined the children’s group. Morning sessions are about personal development and encourage self-reflection. After a shared lunch, there is a structured play session where parents and children share new skills as they play alongside each other. The afternoon sessions are focused on parenting, in either ‘toddlers’ or ‘babies’ groups. Many whānau, friends and supportive social workers attended the graduation celebrations that were held for parents, at the finish of each programme. Each parent who attends for 10 full days, graduates, receiving a taonga representing their work completed over the programme where they reflect on their past and present and plan for their future. They also received a framed certificate.
Incredible Years Autism programme
We ran 28 IYA sessions for whānau with children recently diagnosed with autism, or with probable autism.
Early Intervention Services
Over the last year Ohomairangi Trust has employed
We welcomed Kezia Helg (Speech Language Therapist) and Deborah Lobo (Special Education Advisor) back from maternity leave. Lottie Scaramanga (Speech Language Therapist), Ashley Crosby (Early Intervention Teacher), Susan Searle (Speech Language Therapist), Kendall Helg (Administrator), and Karen Thomasen (Early Intervention Teacher) were welcomed to our team in 2023. We farewelled Rick Saua (Social Worker).
Ohomairangi Trust Specialist Service reviewer, Lyn Doherty has participated in 1 specialist review over the past 12 months.
Routine based Early Intervention (RBEI) and Routines Based Interviews (RBI)
Our team have started implementing RBI as part of Routines Based Early Intervention and have held two team reviews of the model. Our next step is to interview a selection of whanau regarding this process to gain an understanding of their experiences, and views on how well it has met their expectations.
Speech, Language and Dysphagia
Ohomairangi has been participating in the dysphagia protocol meetings across Tamaki Makaurau and has recently funded this training for one of our speech therapists (SLTs). We are committed to safe practice around dysphagia and will train team members requiring updating - and have signed the CMDHB/ADHB/WDHB protocols. Two of our SLTs have training and competency in dysphagia work.
Education Support Work
For this period Ohomairangi Trust employed approximately 20 part time Education Support Workers. Our pool of mostly trained and experienced Education Support Workers has been consistent, with many attending the termly training we provide, and contributing to children’s improved attendance in their ECE centres and improved developmental outcomes.
ACC Accreditation
Ohomairangi Trust has the ability to supply Education Support Workers for children under ACC if they meet the ACC criteria. In this period, we provided EI and ESW services to two children in South Auckland, one on the North Shore and one in Central Auckland.
MSD Accreditation
Ohomairangi Trust is currently part of a new approach that is aiming to reduce the number and frequency of different audit processes some providers are required to complete for the range of cross department contracts they have. The aim is to streamline audit/review processes if possible.
Oranga Tamariki Accreditation
Ohomairangi remains accredited for fee-for-service work with OT under Young Persons and their Families Act 1989.
Gateway Education Profiles
We provide Gateway education profile assessments for children under 5 years old and who are not attending an early childhood facility. In 2023 we completed 65 Gateway education profiles.
2019 IMHAANZ National Conference Wellington, presentation & poster
2018 WAIMH Rome, 1 poster
Professional Development delivered:
Workshops and Training:
ESW Training, peer training, interagency (MOE and MOH) development.
Behaviour Support training for early childhood teachers
Celebrating Success
Graduations for Education Support Workers (ESW) in ECE and ESW certificates. Many parents have graduated from parenting courses and a number of children have transitioned successfully from early childhood education to school. Staff members welcomed new mokopuna into their whanau. Our congratulations to all recipients and their whānau whānui.
Service Coordinator's Report 2023
Tēnā tātou katoa,
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou mā runga te āhuatanga o te wā nei,
The team at Ohomairangi Trust has had another productive year, responding to increasing requests for support from whānau, as the economic climate becomes progressively bleaker for many. We acknowledge the many family members who have developed new skills and determination to address their challenges for them and their children and mokopuna - and this extends to members of our Ohomairangi team who have taken on new training and the challenge of implementing new models and programmes.
Mauri ora.
Positive Parenting at Mangere East Community Centre
Mellow Bumps - Getting to know your unborn child
36 ante-natal sessions were held with mothers- to-be and fathers-to-be participating – they experienced relaxation sessions, communicating with their baby workshops, aqua aerobics, tai chi, healthy food snacks, practiced laughing and viewed babies’ ‘Aroha Atu, Aroha Mai’ dvd and others covering early brain development and the importance of tuning in to babies attempts at communication. Each group met at our ‘meet the babies’ lunches once all babies from the groups had arrived. Feedback has been positive and many of these new parents have come along to Hoki ki te Rito - Ōranga Whānau parenting for babies. (see research section for results to date)
Incredible Years
56 sessions were run over 2023 – two evening and two daytime courses with many parents attending. Parents set goals for themselves and their families; engaged in various exercises; enjoyed the role-plays and learned new strategies for firm and fair child discipline. They reported success in putting these into place at home. The children attended groups at the same time, making new friends with other children and our experienced team of caregivers as well. All four of our facilitators are accredited.
Hoki Ki Te Rito – Ōranga Whānau - Mellow Parenting programme
126 Hoki ki te Rito-Ōranga Whānau sessions were delivered over 2023 . Many parents attended including some of their 0-5 year olds who joined the children’s group. Morning sessions are about personal development and encourage self-reflection. After a shared lunch, there is a structured play session where parents and children share new skills as they play alongside each other. The afternoon sessions are focused on parenting, in either ‘toddlers’ or ‘babies’ groups. Many whānau, friends and supportive social workers attended the graduation celebrations that were held for parents, at the finish of each programme. Each parent who attends for 10 full days, graduates, receiving a taonga representing their work completed over the programme where they reflect on their past and present and plan for their future. They also received a framed certificate.
Incredible Years Autism programme
We ran 28 IYA sessions for whānau with children recently diagnosed with autism, or with probable autism.
Early Intervention Services
Over the last year Ohomairangi Trust has employed
- 2.5 FTE Early Intervention Teachers (EIT)
- 1.5 FTE psychologists
- 2.5 FTE Speech and Language therapists (SLT)
- 1.8 administrator/finances
We welcomed Kezia Helg (Speech Language Therapist) and Deborah Lobo (Special Education Advisor) back from maternity leave. Lottie Scaramanga (Speech Language Therapist), Ashley Crosby (Early Intervention Teacher), Susan Searle (Speech Language Therapist), Kendall Helg (Administrator), and Karen Thomasen (Early Intervention Teacher) were welcomed to our team in 2023. We farewelled Rick Saua (Social Worker).
Ohomairangi Trust Specialist Service reviewer, Lyn Doherty has participated in 1 specialist review over the past 12 months.
Routine based Early Intervention (RBEI) and Routines Based Interviews (RBI)
Our team have started implementing RBI as part of Routines Based Early Intervention and have held two team reviews of the model. Our next step is to interview a selection of whanau regarding this process to gain an understanding of their experiences, and views on how well it has met their expectations.
Speech, Language and Dysphagia
Ohomairangi has been participating in the dysphagia protocol meetings across Tamaki Makaurau and has recently funded this training for one of our speech therapists (SLTs). We are committed to safe practice around dysphagia and will train team members requiring updating - and have signed the CMDHB/ADHB/WDHB protocols. Two of our SLTs have training and competency in dysphagia work.
Education Support Work
For this period Ohomairangi Trust employed approximately 20 part time Education Support Workers. Our pool of mostly trained and experienced Education Support Workers has been consistent, with many attending the termly training we provide, and contributing to children’s improved attendance in their ECE centres and improved developmental outcomes.
ACC Accreditation
Ohomairangi Trust has the ability to supply Education Support Workers for children under ACC if they meet the ACC criteria. In this period, we provided EI and ESW services to two children in South Auckland, one on the North Shore and one in Central Auckland.
MSD Accreditation
Ohomairangi Trust is currently part of a new approach that is aiming to reduce the number and frequency of different audit processes some providers are required to complete for the range of cross department contracts they have. The aim is to streamline audit/review processes if possible.
Oranga Tamariki Accreditation
Ohomairangi remains accredited for fee-for-service work with OT under Young Persons and their Families Act 1989.
Gateway Education Profiles
We provide Gateway education profile assessments for children under 5 years old and who are not attending an early childhood facility. In 2023 we completed 65 Gateway education profiles.
2019 IMHAANZ National Conference Wellington, presentation & poster
2018 WAIMH Rome, 1 poster
Professional Development delivered:
Workshops and Training:
ESW Training, peer training, interagency (MOE and MOH) development.
Behaviour Support training for early childhood teachers
Celebrating Success
Graduations for Education Support Workers (ESW) in ECE and ESW certificates. Many parents have graduated from parenting courses and a number of children have transitioned successfully from early childhood education to school. Staff members welcomed new mokopuna into their whanau. Our congratulations to all recipients and their whānau whānui.