Ohomairangi Trust
Our Organisation
Ohomairangi Trust was established in 2001 as a Kaupapa Maori Early Intervention Service, to offer Maori whānau and others, the option where whanaungatanga, aroha, manaakitanga, rangatiratanga, kotahitanga, ako, are key values and practices of our services.
We want every parent living in Aotearoa/New Zealand to value their own potential and the potential of their children. Our community-based services across Tāmaki Makaurau focus on ensuring parents seeking help receive high quality parenting and support and programmes.
In 2014 over 200 parents in Tāmaki Makaurau and their children attended our community-based parenting programmes. In the same year our Early Intervention team supported 120 children with disabilities and complex special needs, and their whānau.
Our term "parent/s" refers to those we work with - expectant parents, couples, single parents, young parents, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents, mums and dads. We also support parents who are needing to make changes to ensure their children remain in, or return to their care. We welcome and encourage whānau to support parents to engage.
We want every parent living in Aotearoa/New Zealand to value their own potential and the potential of their children. Our community-based services across Tāmaki Makaurau focus on ensuring parents seeking help receive high quality parenting and support and programmes.
In 2014 over 200 parents in Tāmaki Makaurau and their children attended our community-based parenting programmes. In the same year our Early Intervention team supported 120 children with disabilities and complex special needs, and their whānau.
Our term "parent/s" refers to those we work with - expectant parents, couples, single parents, young parents, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents, mums and dads. We also support parents who are needing to make changes to ensure their children remain in, or return to their care. We welcome and encourage whānau to support parents to engage.
Our Mission
To offer the choice of Kaupapa Māori services to whānau by providing family centred programmes, early intervention services and supports based on building and maintaining positive relationships and secure attachments.
"Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari, he toa takitini "
Our achievements are not ours alone, but belong to many.
We acknowledge reaching new milestones, overcoming challenges and gaining success resulting from the contributions of many - we encourage independence and interdependence.
Our achievements are not ours alone, but belong to many.
We acknowledge reaching new milestones, overcoming challenges and gaining success resulting from the contributions of many - we encourage independence and interdependence.
Ngā Atua, tīpuna, hāpu and iwi, ngā hau e whā, are represented in our tohu. The potential of the founding members of Ohomairangi, our whānau who sustain us, our influential mentors who have shared experiences and visions, join with the relationships, connections, and the life paths of the families we work alongside and with the working relationships with agencies and individuals who present differing perspectives and invite us to take up the challenge to consider other realities. Also acknowledged is the duality of “Ako” the learning, the teaching, the commitment to the development of others, as well as ourselves, and the reciprocity of responsibility within the whole community.